Professional Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What to Anticipate Post-Surgery, Purpose, Healing, and More! 

dental care in Fort Myters

Are you searching for the best wisdom teeth removal service in Fort Myers? As your dental professional says, the time has come to extract wisdom teeth; it’s okay to feel the intimidation in your guts! Wisdom teeth extraction surgery is a dental process used to pull out a tooth from the third set of molars. Such surgery is mainly performed in the best dental care in Fort Myters as an outpatient process under the usage of mild anesthesia. Although the recovery after a wisdom tooth surgery differs based on different factors, such as your age and if any teeth were impacted, healing doesn’t need more than 3 days to 2 weeks in an acute case. 

What is Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery?

Most individuals encounter one to four wisdom teeth that come in between the ages of 17 to 25. If the tooth gets impacted, implying there’s not adequate space for it to break through the skin and pop up, it causes severe toothache. By getting the tooth removal surgery done, you can thwart damage to the adjacent teeth. An oral surgeon or a professional dentist performs this wisdom teeth removal surgery. During the procedure, the tooth—either in its whole form or in fragments—is withdrawn by making an incision in the gum. The pain due to the incision is prevented by giving anesthesia, mainly as a gas or into a vein.

Process of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

A dental surgeon takes 45 minutes or less to complete the process. Below are the types of anesthesia given to the patient during the extraction:

  • IV sedation – The dentist will numb your mouth by giving you drugs through a vein in your arm to make you sleepy. 
  • Local – The local anesthetia, such as lidocaine, novocaine, or mepivacaine, are used to numb your mouth. Besides these, the dentist may also let you breathe laughing gas or nitrous oxide to feel drowsy during surgery. 
  • General – You may either be sedated through intravenous injection or by breathing a gas through a mask.   

Symptoms to Anticipate Days After Surgery

0-1 Day:

  • Stiff and sore jaw.
  • Discomfort, swelling, and bleeding.
  • Tingling and numbness in cheeks, mouth, and face.
  • Bizarre taste in your mouth.

2-4 days:

  • Minimized bleeding in the mouth.
  • Maximized swelling and bruising in cheeks.
  • Sore and stiff jaw.
  • Steady return to daily work and activities.

5-14 days:

  • Near to normal jaw mobility.
  • Reduced swelling, pain, and bruising in cheeks and mouth.
  • No more bleeding, weird taste, and tingling sensation in the mouth.
  • Gradual return to work.

What’s the Purpose of Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?

Your dentist will suggest wisdom tooth recovery if an X-ray of your mouth demonstrates that they are impacted or might cause trouble in the coming days. However, other probable reasons for the extraction of wisdom teeth beyond impaction are the following:

  • Indications of tooth decay.
  • Bone loss around the elementary socket.
  • Infection.
  • Periodontal gum disease.
  • Harm to adjacent teeth.

Healing Process After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery 

Your dental surgeon will provide you with additional gauze to take home. In case bleeding starts after the removal of the gauze, fold another piece into a pad, damp it with water, and gently press it over the bleeding area until it ceases. 

You may also take a tea bag, moisten it with water, and press it over the wound gently for 30 minutes to regulate bleeding. As tannins present in tea, they can efficiently contract narrow blood vessels and control bleeding.  


Once the surgery is over, there might be some complications associated with this, including sinus infection, dry socket, and acute nerve pain. Therefore, you need to call your dentist right away if you experience heavy bleeding or any signs of infection.